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One of the three old court taverns in Karpacz.

The foundation of Płóczki is connected with a huge cloudburst which destroyed Broniów Village.  According to an old legend, residents of the village moved to Sosnówka and on the area of current Karpacz where they settled between the Łomnica River and the Łomniczka River  at the height of today's train station.The first information about Płóczki comes from 1418.  

At that time each owner of a village or a representative deisgnated by him had to deal with disputes between residents.     właściciel wioski musiał sam bądź przez wyznaczonego przez siebie człowieka kilka razy do roku rozstrzygać spory pomiędzy mieszkańcami. Judgements were usually given in an inn caled a court tavern. It appears that a court tavern in Płóczki was located at Kolejowa 14 Street. 

Karpacz is the only town in Poland, where three court taverns survived to our times. Today they function as a hotel, a guest house and a restaurant. 

Court Tavern (Karczma Sądowa) - Płóczki:  Gościniec Halicz, ul. Kolejowa 14


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