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According to an old legend the beginnings of the laborants' guild are connected with two medicine students who fled from Prague and came to Karpacz in 1700. They found shelter at the house of Melchior Grossmann, a gardener. As payment for care they taught him how to prepare herbal medicines.  

About 200 medicaments treating various diseases and injuries were made of plants growing on this area. In the manufacture of herbal medicines, laborants used 98 types of roots, 55 types of berries and fruit, 43 types of seeds and 7 species of trees. 

 Raw material for the manufacture of herbal remedies was obtained not only from wild plants but also from gardens that were set up and grown for this purpose in the village in the vicinity of today's Nad Łomnicą and Nadrzeczna Streets.

Local herbalists widely cultivated the following plants: leopard's bane /Arnica montana/, willow gentian /Gentiana asclepiadea/ and foxglove  /Digitalis ambigua grandiflora i Digitalis purpurea/.


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