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Karpacz - a town located at the foot of Śnieżka, in the valleys of the Łomnica River and its tributaries: Łomniczka, Bystrzyk, Budnicza Struga, Dziki Potok and Płomnica, and formed from a few former housing estates, villages and clusters of shepherds' huts .
The Count Schaffgotsch created the Mountain Commune (Górska Gmina/ Budziska) in 1735 with the seat in Upper Karpacz (Karpacz Górny). At that time the Łomnica River was a natural boundary dividing Karpacz and Budziska, totday known as Upper Karpacz (Karpacz Górny). It was not until 1867 when a steep and unpaved three-metre wide road was built and connected two villages. Today only the Łomnica River reminds of the boundary from the past.